2 min readDec 19, 2020

I thought about having a drink the night before I started writing this blog, just so I could even it out and have a fresh slate, with my blog and sobriety both beginning the same day 😂 However, I realized I am indeed not a genius and am in fact a fucking moron. These kind of thoughts are how i ended up in this mess in the first place. This is a prime example of how brutally sick this disease is. I instead said, “fuck it” and began my blogging journey on day 6 of sobriety. I’ve had 6 days a billion times so who knows if this time will be any different than the other times. I’m not even sure what I want this to be or who I’d expect to read it if anyone at all. Seems like a neat place for me to journal and get my thoughts out to the universe though. A place I can just be real and disgustingly honest for the first time in my goddamn life. I’ve never been great at expressing myself unless its being overly melodramatic, which in a sense, I guess this is too? Well, at least I’m consistent. My name is Kara and I am an alcoholic and an addict. (Probably should have led with that. Writing and organization are not some of my strong suits) I am a 32 year old, recently unemployed, high school dropout and have been hopelessly addicted to almost everything you can imagine starting from the ripe age of 12. That’s nearly 2/3 of my life I’ve spent being an addict by the way. (Highschool dropout Quick mafs!) Age 12, believe it or not, also seems to be the age when people start destroying their lives. I recently learned this from hearing so many others’ stories when I was in rehab. Which means, this seemingly shocking origins story of mine and every other “quirky" trait/characteristic I possess, is in no way as unique as i liked to believe. In this blog I’ve decided to share stories from my jaded past, daily reflections in recovery, wild apiphanies that strike me randomly, (GOD SHOT!), opinions about ice cream flavours or any other candy seeing as thats all I crave these days …(Soooo, I’m basically a connoisseur of junk food at this point) …I’ll come here to write what ever the fuck I want essentially I don’t really give a damn if its interesting or not.

This will be my truth and my journey and probably the only healthy thing I’ve ever done in my so far vastly wasted youth and overall life. If someone stumbles upon my small humble page then welcome. If you happen to relate to anything or for some reason I inspire you in some way, that’s fucking fantastic and the icing on my cake. Welcome to the freak show kids! Buckle up, cause it’s gonna be a hell of a ride ☺


im a 32 year old highschool dropout and drug addict in recovery. I’m foul mouthed and sometimes i’m funny